We are excited to announce Gumbo Starks as our March 2025 Patient of the Month! Below, you will find some photos and a bio about this gentle giant, courtesy of his humans:
Gumbo has lived an adventurous life the past 13+ years. He joined our family when he was just 10 months old, weighing 70 pounds.
Gumbo is a happy half giant mashed potato, half big love bug. In his younger days he enjoyed long walks and sunsets on the beach. He now loves short walks and people watching from the porch. He also loves car rides but prefers golf carts and likes water but prefers baths. A few of his other favorite hobbies include giving kisses to anyone and everyone, dressing up, playing with his friends (two-legged and four-legged), napping, and more napping.
His favorite treats are carrots and water biscuits, AKA ice cubes. Despite his size, he always has been, and always will be, a lap dog. He has the curiosity of a cat and the heart of a lion.
He has volunteered his services at the kissing booth for the local SPCA for many years helping raise funds for his friends that still need adoption. He has since retired and is now an honorary manager at his mom's work, Irish Kevin's, where he oversees day-to-day operations and keeps everyone entertained.
In his younger years, Gumbo was quite prone to mischief and accidents. Some of those incidents include being attacked by a mean iguana and walking through a window (while the window was still closed). He might look goofy, but he is actually very smart, which leads us to believe he may have been doing these things on purpose, so he had an excuse to visit his friends at Keys Animal Care Center. The team has always been so great, and Dr. Holly is his favorite and has patched him up many times!
Gumbo might not be as fast as he was before, but with a life full of so much love, he is still just as spunky as ever and has many adventures ahead of him. Cheers to adventures!
Congratulations to Gumbo on being chosen as our March 2025 Patient of the Month, and thank you to the Starks family for allowing us to care for this sweet boy!